Saturday, January 1, 2011

1.1.11 (make a wish)

So, since we have a puppy at home, and because we are "old and boring" (says CK) we went out to dinner last night to celebrate the new year.  Everywhere was booked way in advance, so options were slim.  We ended up getting a reservation at PF Changs (a kind of Americanized Chineese restaurant). It gave me a chance to wear my new sparkly ball earrings inspired by the NYC ball of course. Oh and these new sparkly boots. Ok, listen, I like to sparkle whenever I can, CK's not really a fan, but I wore a lower cut shirt to distract him and that's that.  See, sometimes when you been in a relationship off and on for 12 years, you have to learn a few deceiving tricks. :)

I know, they are a little much, however, blame it on my art background if you must, but I always like things that a little different and sparkly...My two requests for NYE were that I could get a fun drink and that I didn't have to cook.  My drink was a fabulous cocktail that included champagne and some other stuff with a sugar rim.  I love drinks that have some kind of fun rim, don't you?
And we got the traditional chicken lettuce wraps, that I created in this post a few weeks ago.  But here's how the ones last night looked...

And I didn't take any photos of the other food because it wasn't anything you haven't seen, but for dessert we got these cute little shooters.  Ck got Chocolate Moose and I got a Raspberry Cheesecake, since, believe it or not, I've never been a huge fan of chocolate. I know, I'm weird. But they were super cute, and definitely something that could be re-created at home.
And lastly, I leave you with my fortune cookie...Could it be a sign that I could get more readers in the new year? :)   Ck got a good one too, but that's for another post one day.  Hope you all have a great start to your new year.

What did you eat for your NYE celebration?

(*all personal photos)

1 comment:

  1. love those boots!

    i got your card through Leslie's swap - thanks so much for the recipe! i love meatloaf and at the moment have more apples than I know what to do with, so your recipe might need to make an appearance in my life this week :) love finding new blogs and am adding you to my google reader now.

    happy new year!
